
Utility Archive is founded on five decades of personal and career experience. An active outdoor lifestyle blended with creative expertise in bag design and brand building. Aside from my family, the best of me. 

I’m Cumbrian. My relationship with the outdoors started early, countless weekends and holidays spent in England’s most beautiful mountain region; climbing, running, sailing, cycling, hiking, swimming, camping, canoeing and skiing. Yes, skiing. 
I studied fashion marketing and began a 25-year career in the bag industry working with brands like Globe-trotter, Radley, Nike and Puma. In 2007 I founded Cherchbi, created a new tweed from discarded Herdwick wool and made luxury bags from this. They sold in some of the best stores around the world including Mr Porter, Opumo, Selfridges and Dover Street Market. I also consulted, designing products and sharing my experience with established brands like Brooks England, and brilliant start-ups like Millican, Langly, Castore and Stolt Running. 

I sold the Cherchbi brand in 2018. But the Utility Archive seed was already sown. Not conceived of some carefully crafted masterplan, just frustration at the lack of well designed, modern outdoor product. A new itch to scratch. 

- Adam Atkinson

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